Elizabeth Barrette (ysabetwordsmith) wrote,
Elizabeth Barrette

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Location notes for "Laundry, Liturgy, and Women's Work"

These location notes for "Laundry, Liturgy, and Women's Work" include maps and descriptions of places.

Territories and Maps

Previous political entities have largely broken down in the Aftermath. However, it's recent enough that many partial borders remain, as the newly forming territories often follow some of the old lines.

Between the wars, environmental hazards, and the Grunge all of the major cities were effectively wiped out and no longer safe. That doesn't stop a few people from trying to get in and scavenge things, but cities are no longer population centers.

Settlements are now communes. Some are just a few families or individuals clinging together. Most have a membership in the dozens. A few have hundreds, but that's uncommon because everyone pretty much associates large numbers of people with death and destruction. Where there are large groups of affiliated people, they tend to scatter and live in smaller subsets.

Of roughly 170 communes predating the End, 153 of them (90%) have lasted to 15 A.E. Most of these were deep in rural territory, inhabited by people who grew much or all of their own food and made many tools locally. Some even had no casualties due to their isolation and self-sufficiency.

Of the 326 Indian reservations (and similar entities) from Before, 310 of them (95%) have survived to 15 A.E. Some have even expanded, a few dramatically so. These tended to be isolated places, they weren't big enough to bomb, and they had a lot of people with survival skills. That gave them an excellent chance of survival, despite some being in less-hospitable environments. Some even had no casualties due to their distance and self-sufficiency.

Cadia is a large territory north of Fornia. It has 10 states.

Lassa is marked as Southern Alaska. Cariboo is marked as Eastern British Columbia. Coover is marked as Western British Columbia. Limpia is marked as Western Washington. Walla is marked as Eastern Washington. Lincoln is marked as Western Oregon. Morrow is marked as Eastern Oregon. Jefferson spans parts of former northern California and southern Oregon. Calla is marked as Northern California. The southernmost counties are San Mateo, Santa Clara, and San Joaquin.

Ditchland is the area around former Richmond, British Columbia in what is now Coover, Cadia. It was among the first to start recovering because its drainage network kept water readily available away from the urban areas that had become dangerous.

Little Sisters in Lincoln, Cadia is a commune outside the former town of Sisters, Oregon. It's located north of town on the small line-and-loop of Crooked Horseshoe Road. It has a supporting armey.

The laundry station is made from two halves of a large drum supported by a wooden frame with a hand-cranked wringer between them.

The Emerald Triangle spans the former Humboldt, Mendocino, and Trinity Counties in what used to be northern California. It continues to grow considerable amounts of marijuana and has subsequently added other medicinal and recreational substances for trade. Its relatively low population compared to the rest of the West Coast gave its residents an advantage.

Ganja Weed in Jefferson, Cadia is a commune outside the former town of Weed, California. It's located west of town on the tiny line-and-loop of Hidden Meadow Drive. The women there have begun making tampons for trade, a hot commodity in the Aftermath.

Fornia spans what used to be central and southern California plus Baja California and parts of southern Nevada, southwestern Arizona, and northern Mexico. The United Rancherias are clustered in southern Fornia. Although formidable enough to stand apart, they have chosen to be part of Fornia for sake of better resources. Each is largely self-governing, and the land between them is held in common.

Berk, Fornia is a school of elders in what used to be California. When the End hit, a bunch of Berkeley professors and their students were holding a retreat at one professor's lodge, so they stuck together and avoided the worst of it.

Samo is a sprinkle of residences settled by refugees fleeing the Santa Monica metro area. It's sort of a commune, but more sprawled out than clustered.

Tanna includes most of former Montana (except the eastern edge that went to Cadia) and Wyoming.

The Blackfeet Nation has a patch of what used to be their reservation in former Montana, plus a considerably larger amount of former Canada.

Nevah includes most of former Nevada and Utah.

Zonah spans most of former Arizona and part of New Mexico.

Dinneyland is the outsider name for the Navajo nation, which has expanded to a larger part of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. It also completely absorbed the former Zuni reservation inside its borders. It comes from "Diné" (Navajo people) and "land."

Pueblo Territory is an alliance of former reservations belonging to various Pueblo peoples, all of whom have united in the face of larger threats.

Dinneyland is trying to push east into Pueblo Territory, but so far, the Pueblo peoples have held the line. Nobody wants to fuck with the Mescalero Apache. They are widely considered crazy dangerous and tend to shoot anyone who comes near.
Tags: cyberfunded creativity, ethnic studies, family skills, fishbowl, poetry, reading, safety, science fiction, weblit, writing

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