Elizabeth Barrette (ysabetwordsmith) wrote,
Elizabeth Barrette

  • Mood:

Monday Update 3-25-19

These are some posts from the later part of last week in case you missed them:
Poem: "Sky Blue and Grass Green"
Sunday Yardening
Poem: "Zhen, Shan, Ren"
Cascading Collapses of Wildlife Populations
Saturday Yardening
Asexual Archiving
Friday Yardening
Flood Recovery
Eating Endangered Fish, or Worse
Emotional Intimacy Question: Favorite Quote
Good News

[personal profile] fuzzyred has been updating the Shiv thread page, with several rounds of addition over the last week. It's not all the way caught up yet, but it's making great progress.

The half-price sale in Shiv went quite well. The pool came through, so I've got several things to post. Those are all marked on the sale page, which you can watch for further updates.

We painted rocks for Ostara. I made several posts on this topic, all of them linked here.

Poetry in Microfunding:

There is one open epic.

"A Cave Swarming with Strange Forms of Life" belongs to Polychrome Heroics: Iron Horses. Kenzie goes to Pretty Ears for counseling.

Weather here has been mild.  We got some rain.  Seen at the birdfeeders this week: a large flock of sparrows, a large flock of mourning doves, a small flock of dark-eyed juncos, a pair of cardinals, a female downy woodpecker, a rabbit, and two squirrels. There were several house finches, at least two pairs and possibly an extra bird or two.
Tags: blogging, personal

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